Barbara Kurka, MS, CPCC, PCC

Coaching with Faith

Whether C-suite, Senior Executives, High-Potentials, or newly transitioned leaders, my clients exhibit a high level of success within their organizations. They are also individuals who facing career challenges. They may be adjusting to a new role or in a high-pressure role; or transitioning to their next phase. Often my clients are looking to deal confidently with difficult people or environments.

No matter the circumstance, they operate under stress. They may unknowingly operate out of unrecognized fear, burdensome anxiety, or from a perspective of scarcity. And yet, as people who feel strongly about faith, they seldom, if ever, ask: “Where is God in this for me?”

Your faith can be a part of your coaching

Imagine, if instead of compartmentalizing your connection with God, of limiting your interaction to certain times or places, you integrated your faith into your whole life. Try asking yourself: “How could God show up in a tangible way in my life? How would I benefit by living fully into my faith?”

My coaching is designed to create space where my clients can express their faith freely.

Integrating godly values into your work life

In coaching with grace, we explore the opportunities to integrate God more fully into your work and personal life. Together we work to identify behaviors that may encourage integration. Then we will identify practices that will help you develop and sustain a godly approach to your life.

I am not a fundamentalist, nor do I proselytize, nor resolve a crisis of faith, but rather I offer a supportive, non-judgmental place where people can feel comfortable referencing their faith during the coaching process.

Executive Coaching

Working with executives to refine leadership acumen and organizational alignment.
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High Potentials

Coaching High Potentials to maximize strengths, executive presence, and leadership.
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Integration Coaching

Supporting integration into the culture, to hone a winning leadership style and drive goals.
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As an ICF-Certified Coach with 30+ years experience as a Senior Human Resources leader, I have knowledge from both sides of the desk. My understanding of how businesses operate allows me to connect easily with managers and executives who want someone who has "been there.”


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